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Community Vision

Broome County will be an engaged and empowered community that fosters healthy environments, healthy relationships, and healthy people.

The Challenge We Face

In Broome County, half of all adults are considered either overweight or obese. Approximately 80% of older adults have at least one chronic disease, and 68% have at least two. Six chronic diseases—including heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes—cause almost two-thirds of all deaths in the United States annually. For black Broome County residents, both diabetes-related hospitalizations and mortalities occur at over three times the rates of county residents as a whole. Depression among people with chronic conditions is also more common. In turn, chronic conditions account for two-thirds of the money the nation spends overall on healthcare.

Department of Health; 2019
Center for Disease Control; 2017
National Council on Aging; 2018
New York State Department of Health; 2017



Increase access to healthcare and support the social, emotional, and mental health of all individuals.


Assist with the reduction of obesity and associated long-term risks for chronic disease.

What We Plan To Do

Much of what determines a person’s health occurs outside a doctor’s office. Good health depends not just on access to quality medical care, but also on the opportunity to live in an environment conducive to healthy living. A stronger community is built by promoting healthy eating and physical activity, expanding access to quality healthcare, and fostering healthy environments and relationships. Healthy children perform better in school, and healthy adults perform better in the workplace. The result is a thriving community where people are active and have access to nutritious foods.

Key Strategies


Support the social, emotional, and mental health of all youth, individuals, and families


Increase access to healthcare


Promote a healthy and safe environment


Increase access to healthy food and increase physical activity

2023-2024 Projected Impact

  •  430 people will participate in activities to increase socialization
  • 100 people will utilize transportation services to and/or from medical appointments
  • 3,900 people will be provided with information and resources on fall prevention, health insurance, sex education, etc.
  • 4,024 people will access healthcare services and/or health insurance coverage; including… 524 people who will access mental health supports; and 3,500 women who will access reproductive care
  • 483 people will receive access to healthy food
  • 850 people will participate in physical activity 2 or more times per week
  • 2,250 people will participate in nutrition education and/or wellness programs

Did You Know?

Community fitness programs are a scientifically supported way to increase physical activity and physical fitness. Furthermore, these programs may also help improve mental health outcomes of participants.

Health literacy programs have some scientific support in their ability to improve health-related knowledge and adherence to treatment. These programs may also improve patient-provider communication, mental health, and patient satisfaction, and ultimately decrease disparities in outcomes.

Expert opinion supports rural transportation services as a means to increase access to healthcare and increase mobility. Additionally, these services may also help with access to employment opportunities and are likely to reduce disparities between populations.